Meeting Spaces
The library’s three public meeting rooms are reserved primarily for programs conducted or sponsored by the library, and secondarily for private use by patrons, or for meetings of established and recognized institutions, groups and associations that serve residents of the Damariscotta, Newcastle, Nobleboro, and the Pemaquid Peninsula.
Carpenter Room
The Carpenter Room sits above the main library entrance on the 2nd floor, with large windows on three walls overlooking Main Street, Damariscotta. The room includes a conference table set for 10 and a blackboard, with more seating available and our AV cart available upon request for digital display.
There is no fee to reserve the Carpenter Room, but we advise booking early as this is a very popular meeting space.
Barbicon Room
For intimate gatherings of one-on-one tutoring sessions, the Barbicon Room is the perfect fit. Located on the 2nd floor of the library, this private room is set with a table and chairs for 4, with more seating available upon request.
There is no fee to reserve the Barbicon Room, but early booking is advised.
Charles Talbot Porter Meeting Hall
The Charles Talbot Porter Meeting Hall can be rented for a fee, and must be scheduled in advance. The meeting hall features 65 custom seats, but can hold up to 80 with additional overflow chairs. Use of this space must be approved by the Director.
Audiovisual equipment in the Charles Talbot Porter Meeting Hall includes:
- Blu-ray/DVD player
- Wired and wireless projection for computers and other devices
- Full-size movie screen
Details for Booking Space
- Library programs have priority over those of outside groups or individuals.
- Meeting rooms may be used on an ad hoc basis without reservation but must be vacated at least 15 minutes before a scheduled program. Such “walk-ins” are requested to please check in with the circulation desk prior to occupying a room.
- The library may preempt a room reservation for its own use. Two weeks’ notice must be given to the reserver.
- Reservations may be placed via telephone or email.
- Groups are limited to four meetings a month. Additional meetings may be allowed if space is available. Requests for additional meetings may be made no more than one week in advance of the requested date.
The following rules apply to all Skidomopha Library meeting rooms unless otherwise noted.
General Rules of Use
- The Library charges $60.00/hr for use of the Porter Meeting Hall. In certain limited instances pre-arranged in-kind donation may be accepted in place of the hourly fee per the Library Director and/or Board of Directors discretion. The Library may in its judgment waive the fee entirely, if in the judgment of the Library Director and/or Board of Directors, the particular program satisfies a vital public need or provides a significant public benefit to the Community.
- A sponsor of a meeting or program may not charge an admission fee or require a donation to attend a program or meeting in the library. A sponsor of a meeting or program may request a fee from participants only to the extent that such fee covers the cost of materials furnished to participants. Such charges should not be construed as an admission fee, and attendance must not be limited only to those individuals who pay the fee.
- Meeting rooms may not be used for private social affairs, programs for the economic benefit of private individuals, sales promotions, or commercial concerns engaged in marketing goods or services.
- Meeting rooms may not be used for political campaign events, events endorsing or opposing the election of any candidate for public office, or endorsing or opposing the adoption of federal, state or local legislation.
- Except unless otherwise agreed upon, meeting rooms are available for use during the library’s normal hours of operation and meetings should not be scheduled for the first hour or last hour the library is open if extensive setup or breakdown is necessary. Programs should be planned so that meeting space will be vacated promptly at closing time (2p.m. or 6 p.m.). A $25 service fee may be charged if a meeting extends beyond the library’s usual closing time.
- Alcohol is not permitted on the Skidompha library premises.
- For certain events, the Library may require a Certificate of Insurance be presented by the group. A certificate of insurance (COI) is a document issued by an insurance company/broker that is used to verify the existence of insurance coverage under specific conditions granted to listed individuals. A certificate of insurance may be required for liability and/or loss.
- The Library is not liable for injuries to people, damage to their property, or loss of property belonging to individuals or groups using the meeting rooms.
- Fire codes must be observed at all times. Room occupancy may not exceed legal limits, and furniture and equipment may not block aisles and exits.
- Except as a designation of location, the name of the library may not be used in any publicity relating to use of meeting rooms. The Library is not responsible for advertising or promoting non-library sponsored events, but may allow placement of advertising flyers on its bulletin boards.
- The reserving group is responsible for leaving the room(s) in the same condition as it was when they arrived. All food and beverages must be removed from the refrigerator and kitchen at the conclusion of each meeting. The kitchen must be left clean and all trash placed in appropriate receptacles or in the outdoor dumpster.
- Projects involving glitter are not allowed in meeting rooms.
- The library will charge a minimum of $25 if extra custodial service is necessary. Groups will be held responsible for any damages to Library premises or equipment, and for loss of Library property.
- The library may help set up audiovisual equipment for a program but cannot provide operators for audiovisual equipment. AV help should be confirmed by the reserving party at the time of room reservation. Trained library staff will provide basic assistance with library-owned equipment or leave written instructions.
- Groups must provide the library with proof of Public Performance Rights to screen films in library meeting rooms.
- Typical room setup configurations may be requested at the time of booking. Special setup requests may be accommodated within reason and depending on staff availability. Changes in room set-ups and equipment requirements must be submitted at least 5 days in advance of a meeting.
- Unless otherwise agreed upon, the library will not provide storage space for any group or program. If a storage agreement exists, Skidompha assumes no responsibility for any equipment or personal articles belonging to individuals using the meeting rooms. All materials must be removed from the Library at the conclusion of the program.
- Library personnel must have free access to meeting rooms at all times. The library retains the right to monitor all meetings conducted on the premises to ensure compliance with the above rules.
- Permission to use the meeting room does not constitute an endorsement by the Library of a program or point of view expressed. Meeting room use shall not be publicized in such a way as to imply Library sponsorship.
- All programs involving up to 20 minors must have at least two adult supervisors. For each additional 10 minors, an additional adult is required. Supervisors shall be held personally responsible for the conduct of the program and its participants.
- Prompt notification to the Library of cancellation of a meeting is required. The group organizer responsible for contacting the members/audience if the scheduled meeting or public program is to be canceled.
- It is the responsibility of the group organizer to ascertain whether the Library is closed during inclement weather, alert participants, and to reschedule the event
- Infringement of any of these regulations may be grounds for denial of future use of meeting space.