5.04.2023 In Between

Hello friends,

Well, that weekend storm was quite a thing. My apologies to those who went without power, but I love storms, particularly thunderstorms. While not technically an April shower setting up May flowers, perhaps we can quantify it as such anyway. What’s a day between us and Mother Nature?

April-May is unique for me. That unsettled time when winter and spring are arguing about when to sit down and when to stand up. We’re in that “in between time”, waiting for the next big change or stage to settle in, and so it is with Skidompha. We’ve just finished our April break programming, and sit in that “in-between time” as our winter rhythm transitions to summer, counting the days down until Summer Read starts.

Summer is by far our busiest time. Foot traffic can increase by more than 30% as the weather warms and the town swells. The Skidompha Bookshop starts “rockin’ and rollin’” too, as people discover its magic for the first time. Jessie, Kristi, and Molly have been collaborating for months to put together a selection of really neat programming as well–a few spoilers below! We take a lot of pride in our programming and the connection created when people come together for an event, whether a concert, story time, or game night. I feel strongly that Skidompha’s ability to bring people together is among its greatest assets, and our aim to foster connection is among our most critical missions. 

I’ll have a more detailed preview of Summer Read as it draws nearer, and I look forward to seeing you here to enjoy the events. 

Be well,

Matthew Graff
Executive Director
Skidompha Public Library