2.23.23 Winter Escapes

Dear Friends,

Each month, staff members select books, audiobooks, and movies to add to the collection. I was looking through the spreadsheet that captures staff choices—the list of DVDs we have selected for this month, and I was thinking about how it is often during this mid-winter time that I most enjoy wandering up the stairs at the library to spend time browsing our DVD collection.

I don’t know about you, but mid-winter can sometimes wear me out or, at the very least, leave me daydreaming about finding new worlds and new adventures. And how can I complain when my workplace is a treasure trove of these very things? So I let this feeling lead me to try something I might overlook in the warmer, busier months. I find myself pulling films off the shelf that I’ve heard others chatting about or aren’t my usual go-to’s.

So if you, like me, find yourself feeling winter stretch out before you, let this be a letter to remind you that we have some wonderful, simple escapes right at the library. Please stop in and see what we have on our new release shelves, or take a chance with something new!

Be well,

Matthew Graff
Executive Director
Skidompha Public Library