2024.04.18 Welcome, Hannah

Hello Friends,

I wanted to hand over this week’s note to our new Adult Librarian, Hannah Doktor, so she might introduce herself. Hannah’s spirit is shining and infectious, and I’m so excited for her join the family here at Skidompha. Please take a moment to introduce yourself when you come in.

Be well,

Matthew Graff
Executive Director
Skidompha Public Library

Hi there!

My name’s Hannah Doktor, and I’m very excited to be your new Adult Services Librarian at Skidompha Library. Although I’m from New Jersey originally, I’ve been in Maine for about two years now and have enjoyed every minute of it.

Most people probably wouldn’t guess that before I was a librarian, I worked up in Aroostook County as a forester. My two favorite hobbies have always been exploring outside and reading. While working all day in nature allowed me to see many breathtaking sights (well, moose remind me more of a child’s drawing come to life-in the best way!-rather than breathtaking) I found that I missed being around people.

To combat those feelings, I started to volunteer at my local library to get more involved in my community (with the added bonus of being surrounded by books). I was immediately hooked! I hung up my Carhartts and bright orange timber-cruising vest in exchange for a cozy cardigan and only the comfiest of shoes. I gladly became the Circulation Librarian at Hubbard Free Library in Hallowell where I learned exactly how much more libraries can offer than just books.

While I still do love hiking and foraging for mushrooms in my free time, there’s no place I would rather be than in a library. They’ve always been warm, welcoming spaces of learning, growth and community for me. I hope in my new role at Skidompha, I can help patrons experience that feeling too!
