4.28.22 | Skidompha is hosting two award-winning fiction authors on Wednesday, May 4.
Dear Friends, I’m excited to share the news that we will host two award-winning fiction authors on Wednesday, May 4, at 2 p.m. in our Porter Hall meeting room. This will be our first…
4.21.22 | Spring Bees are Buzzing!
Dear Friends, You may have guessed how deeply I love spring by how much I have been talking about it recently. On a recent weekend walk, I noticed daffodils blooming bright yellow and pussy…
4.14.22 | Skidompha Updates on Meeting Rooms and Masks
Dear Friends, We’ve been thinking a lot about emerging lately. Emerging feels slow to me, similar to the slow process of spring emerging from winter. Cold gray days of rain and gritty sidewalks interspersed…
4.4.22 | Happy National Poetry Month!
Dear Friends, It’s National Poetry Month! While I am not a poet, I appreciate how poetry seems to have a magic and a power about it. I’m in awe of the way poets can…